Every year 60,000 young people with no family support have to leave child care homes/ orphanages on their 18th birthday . The law sees them as adults – they need to find a place to stay, feed themselves, find work and deal with all the emotional and physical challenges alone. The days before their 18th birthday are filled with anxiety , dread and confusion.
Join the WeLive community.
Extend your turning 18 celebration to include the We Live community. We are looking at 18 year olds to extend a hand by contributing Rs 6000- 12,000 from their birthday fund.
Engage further
Interview a Young person from WeLive and write a blog / insta post – to connect further – this will go on the We Live website and our social media; invite your friend to do what you have done.
with WeLive for 1 month or more and add a new perspective and experience to your student and work life
Do you have any questions, comments?
Do not hesitate to drop us a message with the form below or you can WhatApp us at. +91 987654321