Are care leavers ready to be adults?

It’s an easy question to ask. And a challenge to answer.

A Childcare Institution meets basic needs for food, shelter and safety, with little to no mentorship on preparing for adult life. Out of a care home, and unprepared to make informed decisions, care-leavers find themselves at risk of abusive and exploitative situations. Between the ages of 18 and 23, aftercare can make a huge difference towards financial, emotional, and social independence.

At WeLive Foundation, our goal is simple – helping care leavers make a big deal of turning 18, filled with excitement, hope and joy. We help them bridge the transition into full, responsible adulthood, buy giving them the guidance they need to figure out adulthood and build the strength to step out into the world, while still having nutritional and accommodation security.

An important component of aftercare is emotional well-being, with most of our young people being either

  • Orphaned, abandoned or from families at risk;
  • Victims of physical and sexual abuse or other exploitation;
  • Having experienced conflict with the law; or
  • Having physical or intellectual disabilities, mental illness, affected by HIV/AIDS or tuberculosis.

Our team of counsellors helps young people make the transition from CCIs to independent living, and adjust to the pressures of working and making decisions.

At WeLive Foundation, we help care leavers find ways to continue their education, From enrolling to 10th or 12th Through NIOS to pursuing degrees in their fields of interest, they have the freedom to choose and we guide them then their choices.

WeLive Foundation operates safe spaces where care leavers can live, while they learn and/or work, till they build their strength to step out into the world.

Where our Young People come from

Our Programs


We work with 15- to 18-year olds in CCIs to help them to start thinking about choices of education and work and exposing them to the outside world.


A co-living space, nutritious food, mentorship and support to study, skill development, find employment and emotional support provided for 6 months to 3 years.


A space to stay to help them tide over emergency situations or ill health when they are in between jobs.