Launch of Chennai Center

Now WeLive is thrilled to announce the launch of a new women’s centre in Chennai. in collaboration with the Kantar India Foundation, our new Chennai Center has been successfully launched. The new centre was inaugurated in August. This momentous occasion marks a milestone in our mission to empower and support care-leavers. The women’s centre will provide a safe and nurturing environment for women fostering financial stability and building capacity for independent living support and partnership of the Kantar India Foundation has been instrumental in enabling us to fulfil our mission of empowering and assisting care-leavers. Their dedication to supporting empowerment initiatives has played a crucial role in our ability to carry out this important work, emphasising the value of community partnerships in creating positive change and opportunities for those in need.

The room was given a vibrant and festive look, it seemed, as if even the walls and the roof were celebrating the joy of togetherness and were ready to welcome these young superwomen. It made the room stand out and catch everyone’s eye. The bright colours and fun designs made the room more attractive and inviting. The building had the vibe of a happy and lively atmosphere that made everyone feel excited and happy to be there. 

Our Chennai Centre welcomed seven young women. They seamlessly integrated into the skill training centre, and four of them have already embarked on their professional journeys. These YPs are the children who used to stay in CCIs. Within a week our women’s center was filled with young women. These young women were provided with every single necessity, Starting from shelter, food and courses of their own choice. The Chennai Opening Center is a platform that offers educational support, skills training, and mentorship to young girls. The centre aims to equip these girls with the necessary tools and knowledge to build a better future for themselves. Through various programs and initiatives, the centre focuses on holistic development and empowerment.

The programme commenced with a warm and inviting welcome speech delivered in Hindi by Kokila our YP who’s from Gujrat, ensuring that every attendee felt included and understood. We effectively broke down any potential language barriers, creating a sense of unity and connection among the diverse audience. This thoughtful approach set a welcoming tone for the event, emphasizing the importance of inclusivity and understanding across different linguistic backgrounds. It was an amazing start. 

A speech was also given by one of our YPs who represented the Bangalore Women’s Centre.

A speech by our CEO, Ramya Sundararajan, which immensely touched everyone’s heart.

After our CEO’s lovely speech, it was Neha from Delhi who took care of our guests and kept them engaged with her life journey from Delhi to Bangalore.

Here we had a small panel discussion where we had one YP from Bangalore and the other YP who was from Chennai. In this panel discussion, we discussed how the YPs tackle the problems they face in daily life. And how they manage everything in day-to-day life.

Our guests explored the entire building while our mentors and our YPs guided them on a home tour. The YPs showed them around, pointing out different areas and sharing interesting facts about the charts that they had made with a lot of patience and hard work. From the entrance to every corner, our guests got to see all the different parts of the building. 

A small corner held a table full of cards that contained all the information about the organisations. 

The programme came to an end with a small cake-cutting ceremony which was much needed on this special and auspicious day. After all, who doesn’t like desserts? 

Last but not least after the program, we had a dance that was a lot of fun. Everyone enjoyed dancing and letting loose on the dance floor. The lively music and energetic atmosphere made the dance a memorable and enjoyable experience for all. It was a great way to celebrate and unwind after the program, creating lasting memories of joy and laughter.

WeLive Foundation is humbled and proud to announce the launch of its Chennai Women’s Center. This is WeLive Foundations 3rd Center and the 1st Center in Chennai. 

The launch of this centre was possible because of the continuous and generous support of Kantar India Foundation (CSR initiative of Kantar India). 

As WeLive Foundation continues to provide Young person from care institutions a safe space to prepare for an aspirational future. We cannot thank Kantar India enough for their belief in our work in transforming young lives. They have stood by as pillars of support to not just the institution but also our Young Persons who have benefitted from the mentorship and interactions. For the chennai centre launch we were joined by Rajani Athreya, CHRO, Insights South Asia, Kiran HN, Director, Data Science & Innovation, and Devika Krishna, Office Manager from Kantar India. 

All Guests were given a tour of the centre by our enthusiastic and excited YPs, followed by a talk by Ramya Sundararajan, CEO, WeLive Foundation, our YPs shared about their experience since joining WeLive, followed by a small panel discussion with the Kantar team and Young Persons (YPs), we concluded the inauguration with a cake cutting ceremony celebrating the launch.